To better serve our U.S. customers, we now have local phone numbers to reach us in:
Cleveland, Ohio
New York City, NY.
Chicago, Illinois
Los Angeles, California
Miami, Florida
Phone numbers are shown below.

Check out our great New Arrivals this year and much more to come. We are particularly pleased that our selection of Blu-Ray titles has increased significantly.

Thank you for your interest in Kaleidoscope Video. Please do contact us if we can be of any additional service to you.

And as always, “Have a SAFE GGGRRRREEEAAATTT Rock and Roll Day!”

Sincerely yours, 
Kaleidoscope Video
Canadian Phone:
 (289) 217-2627
Cleveland, Ohio Phone: (216) 769-7520
New York City, NY Phone: (347) 441-6533
Chicago, Illinois Phone: (312) 473-1336
Los Angeles, CA Phone: (323) 432-6349
Miami, Florida Phone: (786) 462-1630

Or Email us